DGM Steriguard® EASY Clean medical device cleaner

The DGM Steriguard® Easy line of Russian detergents can be used in washer-disinfectors of various manufacturers.
Alkaline cleaner for pre-sterilization cleaning in washer-disinfectors and ultrasound cleaning systems in a wide temperature range: from +10 °C to +95 °C
Detergent is designed for pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices made of materials resistant to alkaline solutions.
Best value for money
Concentration of the working solution is 0.2-0.5%
- The product is water-soluble, its working solutions have detergent and anticorrosive properties and help remove different types of contamination
- DGM Steriguard® Easy has a low foaming of working solutions and can be used in water with any hardness
Recommended for use

Машина дезинфекционно–моечная DGM ES 250

Машина дезинфекционно–моечная DGM ES 50

Машина дезинфекционно–моечная PHS МД-150

Машина дезинфекционно–моечная PHS МД-230

Моюще-дезинфицирующая машина DGM ES 10

Моюще-дезинфицирующая машина DGM ES 350

Моюще-дезинфицирующая машина для кроватей и тележек DGM T

Моюще-дезинфицирующая машина КАСКАД СМ-100